Education Chapter 6 Cognitive learning in schools

' Edward Tolman '. What is a cognitive map?

Gagne (1985) 5 major domains of human capabilities relating to learning.

Intellectual skills

Learning discrimination, rules and concepts hierarchical Concepts involve responding to similarities

Verbal information

knowledge - whether gained from text or pictures.


Affective predisposition's to make certain choices or to behave in certain ways. Important motivational value. Hard to teach - modelling (Bandura) by the teacher, best way, even though you can not control all other influences, outside the school.

Motor skills

Execution of controlled sequences e.g. muscular movements. Reinforcement important e.g. seeing the text produced whilst learning to word process.

Cognitive Strategies

Metacognitive and cognitive skills
Look at table 6.1
Summary of above points and how the teacher can help develop these domains

Cognitive Explanations

We construct using past knowledge rather than just discover.
Learner is a processor of information

Cognitive structures



Declarative knowledge - facts that have been learnt.
Procedural knowledge - knowing how to do something

Meaning depends on forging relationships
Use the balloons popped example p155/6
The picture activates a number of schema.
e.g. Understanding of balloons filled with a light gas
electrical amplification
relationships (human)
Scripts (Schank and Abelson, 1977) - an order of doing things in a certain situation. (e.g. putting on clothes). Can also be how to behave in a certain situation (e.g. in restaurant).

Educational applications

  1. Curriculum needs to be organised to reveal and emphasise relationships.
  2. Develop strategies for organising and using knowledge.

Bruner's theory - An overview

Concepts ( Bruner says 'Category') derive from abstractions
derive implicit rules - categorise the world
'Coding System' - relationships
LTM - highly associonistic.

Discovery learning

Piaget - child interacts with environment to assimilate and accommodate.
Learner - 'Constructs' - knowledge
Make our own versions of reality
Discover our own meanings
schools should foster the discovery of relationships.

Teacher presents information, not in its final form, but are required to organise it themselves.
(see an example of a coding system in fig 6.2)


Less teacher involvement. Teachers offer guidance.
Teachers need to get the balance between over or under guidance.

Discovery approach, claims Bruner , facilitates.
Bruner - 4 sets of conditions contribute to discovery learning

  1. set
  2. need state
  3. mastery of specifics
  4. diversity of training

1 set

Predisposition to react in certain ways.
discovery-oriented person - looks for relationships

Teachers can influence set by instruction.
e.g.. Students told to memorise. 'Surface approach' or students asked to find relationships 'deep approach'.

2 Need State

Level of arousal - moderate being best.

3 Mastery of specifics

- knowledge of specific, relevant information.
Bruner argues that discovery learning is most likely to occur when the individual is well prepared.
Wider the information the individual has the more likely relationships are to be found.

4 Diversity of training

approaching teaching / learning using many different methods - approaching information from all different perspectives.

Specific educational recommendations

Based on Bruner 's ideas
' Constructivist ' approach - students should construct knowledge for themselves.
'Conceptual change movement' - present ideas that challenge the learner - present problems and puzzles, - reorganisation of knowledge (conceptual change)

Bruner recommends

  1. Explain fundamental categories first
    e.g. give the meaning of hardwood first, then teach about 'aspen', 'birch' and 'alder'.
  2. Any subject can be taught to any age child.
    e.g. proportion - certain aspects of this subject can be taught to 4 year olds.
    Make it enactive, then repeat topic in more depth at concrete (iconic) stage. Finally, use symbolic representation.
  3. Spiral curriculum
    go from simple broad concepts, build up to more complex concepts. Parallels the coding systems.
    Repetition but looking at information in greater depth each time around.
  4. Students should be given training in being able to make informed guesses. If such guessing is discouraged then the process of discovery is stifled.
  5. use teaching aids - direct or vicarious experiences can help with enactive - iconic - and symbolic stages.


Example of guided discovery

Class exercise - primary school children given an area to explore - are asked where they would establish a settlement - learn that settlements need to be near rivers/harbours.
Can the principle of the combustion engine (read car engine) be discovered?

More on Bruner

Ausubel's theory

Ausubel would see Bruner's recommendations as wasteful of teaching time - discovery learning does take time. He would appreciate that if discoveries are made, teaching would be effective.
Ausubel is naturally against meaningless learning by rote. Instead, his theory demands that material, to be learnt, is structured.
Meaning is brought about by establishing a relationship between old and new material. [Cognitive structure].
Cognitive structures - hierarchically organised concepts (subsumers) similar to Bruner 's coding system (see figure 6.2, p158).
Subsumers - (comes from the word subsume) - subsume material to existing cognitive material.
[definition of subsume: to classify within a larger category or under a general principle].
Derivative subsumption - deriving material from pre-existing structure.
Correlative subsumption - an extension of what is already known.
Forgetting, or loss of ability to recall is seen as the inability to dissociate new material from the old - obliterative subsumption.
Teachers need to use advance organisers - highly generic concepts presented before the lesson. Place the new material in the context of the old - bring to mind, previous material and clarify the relationship between new and old material.
Ausubel -

  1. sees discovery learning as being useful in the early grades.
  2. for testing for meaningfulness and problem solving
  3. ensuring transferability
  4. establishing intrinsic motivation.


Reconciling Discovery and receptive Approaches

Students will use information that they have discovered rather than information that has been taught.
Ausubel believes that after the age of 11 - discovery approaches are a waste of time. Learner has enough background material by then.
Scientific comparisons between 'discovery' and 'receptive' approaches full of methodological problems.

  1. Different criteria for assessing effectiveness
    e.g. speed of learning
    motivational or affective changes.
  2. Students are different
    teachers are different - same lesson may not be as effective given by 2 different teachers.



- half the studies on effectiveness of organisers say they are effective, half say not.


good teacher should use both methods
key to successful learning is organisation of material.

Cognitive apprenticeship (Collins, Brown & Mewman, 1989).
Advocates - modelling, coaching, scaffolding, fading, articulation and reflection.

  1. global before local (similar to Ausubel's organisers)
  2. simplest to most complex
  3. knowledge should be applied in an ever increasing diversity of situations.

Misconceptions can inhibit learning as the cognitive structure will not allow the logical subsumption of new material.
Good examples -p170 e.g. The world is round - flat round like a plate or like a goldfish bowl with the earth at the bottom and filled with air?
Bloom (1984) points out that one to one tutorials are the most effective means of teaching. Our aim should be to treat a classroom as if it were a tutorial. But how?

2 Undisputed facts

Alexander and Judy (1988)

  1. The more the learner knows about a specific subject the better it is to learn new information.
  2. Learners who have good metacognitive strategies do well.

Rosenshine and Stevens (1986) put forward 9 tips for teachers see p172.
Warning - only really appropriate for well-structured content. Not so good for morality, ethics, creative writing, politics, etc.

Situated Cognition (Greeno, Collins & Resnick, 1996)

  1. Thinking depends on social groups
  2. Thinking needs ‘real-world’ activities.

Distributed Expertise/Cognition

Knowledge is not in the heads of individuals it is distributed in

Knowledge is the property of both individuals and groups we belong to.

Rodin’s thinker – statue- thinking is serious, solitary, hard, and not fun.

A group of students happily engaged with a computer are thinking as well and they are having fun.



Ongoing Research

Research into teaching writing, mathematics and general academic work using the above method has been conducted and the initial results are positive, but it is hard to develop and sustain such communities.

Problem-Based Project Learning

There are no ‘correct’ answers

Authentic, real-life problem solving is worked on collaboratively or alone.

For example, a field trip to the sea to analyse pollution or trying to find out if there is any evidence of full moons producing ‘lunacy’.

Students learn:

School resembles life

Computer simulations of micro-worlds. For example, the effect of medical advances on population growth or the effect of economic policies on economic growth.


Formal instruction and real experience in problem solving produces better problem solvers (Black, 1994)

Also motivation is increased

The Theories



Learning Concepts

Learning Domains


Page numbers refer to 'Psychology for Teaching' 8th Ed. by Guy R. Lefrancois, published by Wadsworth.

Further Reading

Bruner's Beyond the information given
The Unsuccessful Adolescent
Cognitive Development
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