Questions to help students understand the OCR A level key studies papers

Questions that you should ask about the key studies

·         1
Why was the study or review performed?
On what theory is the study or review based?
Introduce the area.


·         2
What are the aims of the article, what hypotheses are being tested, what are the independent and dependent variables, how are they operationalised, and were the variables operationalised appropriately?


·         3
What method was used in the study?
Laboratory Experiment, Natural or Field Experiment, Case Study, Questionnaire, Review.


·         4
State three advantages and three disadvantages of the method used.


·         5
Give details of the procedure(s). Include design, setting, subjects, controls, etc.
For case studies, say what happened to the subject. For review, give details of at least three aspects.


·         6
What were the main findings of the study or review?
What was concluded?
What are the implications of the study?


·         7
Are there any ethical guidelines broken in this study/area?
Deception, Withdrawal, Harm, Consent, Debriefing, Confidentiality, Protection of participants, Observational Research, Giving advice, Colleagues?


·         8
Evaluate the following:
Subjects/Sample, Experimenter bias, Demand Characteristics, Implications for theory, Ecological validity, Ethnocentrism, Control
Other evaluation.


·         9
The perspective is:
Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Comparative Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Culture & Identity.


·         10
This study relates to the issues of:
Ethics, Children, Animals, Nature & Nurture, Scientific Method.
Say why.


Important Issues

  1. Everyday life -ecological validity
  2. Nature and Nurture
  3. Determinism and freewill
  4. Psychometrics
  5. Laboratory Vs Field Studies
  6. Usefulness
  7. Qualitative Vs quantitative
  8. Norms v Diversity
  9. Ethnocentrism
  10. Different types of explanation for the same event - e.g. physiological v developmental v social explanations of aggression

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